03 March 2014

Winter in Inishowen, Co. Donegal, Ireland.

So far we have enjoyed a fairly mild winter. With eight weather warnings in as many weeks, so far it has been a season of storms. Thankfully Inishowen has been spared the worst of the weather with many parts of the Country battered by tidal surges, high winds and flooding. Spring definitely is in the air as the evenings grow shorter and the mornings brighter.

Lots of rain brings lots of beautiful rainbows to enjoy.

Nature is ‘waking-up’
Nature is also beginning to ‘wake-up’ with good signs of growth and increased animalmovements. The mating season is coming soon with many animals currently emerging from hibernation due to the mild temperatures.

On my morning walk I encountered this wee fellow …

Many daffodils are also on the verge of blossoming, an event I always look forward to. In the mean time little clumps of snowdrops and crocus add a touch of colour and the promise of spring.

Some local crocus add a hint of colour to brighten-up the final days of winter

The impressive snowdrop is celebrated as a sign if spring

Winter Visitors
We can’t forget to mention some winter visitors who ‘flock’ to Inishowen over the winter months to enjoy our wetlands and lay their eggs. If you hear a ‘honking’ call overhead don’t forget to look-up…it could be a Whooper!

Whooper swans near Inch Island, Inishowen, socialising with the ‘locals’.






13 January 2014

Autumn in Inishowen, Co. Donegal, Ireland

Welcome to autumn in Inishowen. The trees are busy changing colour and sheading their leaves as the evenings get shorter and cooler. So far autumn has been a gentle introduction to the coming winter months as we’ve been enjoying some beautiful warm and sunny weather. Winter Time officially started last weekend and unfortunately the weather has taken a wet and cold turn. Oh well, time to cosy-up in front of the fire!

Foraging Time
Autumn is also a great time for foraging and this year has been a good season for black berry picking. We’ve been busy over the past few weeks making jam, blackberry fool and generally experimenting in the kitchen. Fresh raw blackberries also make a tasty and healthy topping for porridge in the morning.

We’ve also been attempting to make rose hip tea for the first time…it tastes quite nice and is very good of you! These lovely red berries from the common wild rose are one of nature’s best sources of vitamin C and can also be made into a syrup that can be used as an alternative to sugar.

So get out there and see what you can find in your local hedgerows…..we’ll keep you posted on what we find over the next few months!

Happy foraging, Solas Ireland.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1056429/From-rose-hips-joints-blackberries-lung-cancer--wild-plants-harnessed-new-wonder-drugs.html#ixzz2jJ7lll1e








Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1056429/From-rose-hips-joints-blackberries-lung-cancer--wild-plants-harnessed-new-wonder-drugs.html#ixzz2jJ7lll1e